Saturday, December 15, 2007

November and December at the Guttings

This has been a very busy season for Louis and I.  Some of the things we have been up to will be on the next two blogs.  LOUIS, is right hand man for Wednesday night dinner at church.  As he serves dinner he has been known to be a wise guy with his funny remarks.  I have been working more because one of the Hygienist has been sick.  Our Doctors gave us a nice bonus, put us in limo and sent us shopping one night after work.   My precious daughter, Abby, came and helped me wrap packages one day.  We had kitchen, dining room, bedroom, foyer, hall and playroom painted.  But to top it all off, thanks to Merry's idea, Louis made 6 stars and we delivered them to friends as a gift.  What a busy season.


Queenie said...

I love the kitchen, the color is
perfect. One of these days I will
see in full living color.

Family said...

You did it! You and Louis have managed to put Christ back into
Christmas! Love the camel and your church service, and I love that you made stars for your friends and am overjoyed that they displayed them, telling others proudly that Christ can be found in their home this Christmas.

The kitchen looks great and you and Louis look youthful and happy...Now that's a great start to a 'Wonderful Life' kind of Christmas!

juju said...

I love the kitchen!!! And you two look great in your costums!!!