Looking at Dad's life today, I still and will always have such precious memories to cherish and enjoy. So very often, Dad comes to my mind and the influences and mark he left on my life makes me feel very close to him. I love what Dad did with his dash. He's life was such a blessing in how he lived it and shared it. Three years ago, today, was the GRAND finale for Dad, here on earth, but only the beginning of heaven. He lived and died with such dignity and grace. I am so proud to be his daughter.
I checked into this blog, after commenting on Mother's blog, commemorating Dad's death. I was again struck at how much we think alike....I too wrote about the dash in my comment to Mother!
Another good thing Mom and Dad did...gave me a sole mate. Beautiful.
What a beautiful sweetheart I had
at around 33 years of age. He did
nothing but get better and better.
Good choice of pictures, Judy I
love that one.
What a longing I have to see him
today,to let him share all the news
of our family.
Maybe he should tell Jesus to listen
a little bit more carefully to
William's prayers. The last I heard
William Pwayed three time at
school that day and still got one
stick. They get sticks when they
get reprimanded. The object is to
finish the day with no sticks.
He just can't keep from talking.
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