Monday, April 6, 2009

First night in Queen's room

Maybe, it is not like Elizabeth's bedroom, but we are calling it the Queen's room and She came to spend her first night, We hope she enjoys her country estate and will return often.


Family said...

Looks like the Queen is making the rounds, visiting her faithful subjects. I am so thankful she has Elizabeth's engery! (Can I sleep in her room when I visit?)


Queenie said...

I always loved being photographed
in bed. Was a lovely evening,
excellent dinner, good company,
a warm bed in my own room. How glad
I am that you decided to put my
room in the work-out room, don't think I would have ever gotten up
and down the stairs. However it is
so lovely up there, the stars shining from the upper porch.
Thanks for making me so special and
to Louis who takes 2 hours out of
his day to come for me, 1 hour,
and bring me back.


Queenie said...

Not me......I want to sleep in the master suite - or maybe just the bathroom..........

Queenie said...

This comment and the past one is not by the Queen - but she loaned her what kind of trouble can I get her into??????

Queenie said...

Kenneth called my attention to
the quilt on the Queens bed. very a very good observer.

Queenie said...

Two comments above mine were by you know who!.