Friday, June 5, 2009

Merry's got a Birthday and we're so glad!

Few people get to have such a unique sister as I have.  Whether we want to be or not, God has given us a kindred spirits that never fails to show us that we think and love alike.  My sister has such an ability to make everything special.  She makes every grandchild feel the love that only a grandparent can give and makes every experience a memorable one for them.  She adores all of  her children and has made Terr look "even better".  Merry has been all that every women would like to be and has proved that a dedicated homemaker, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and sister can make a profound difference in a family.  I am so proud to call her SISTER.  Happy Birthday, Merry       A STAR was born- 6-9-1947   I Love You


fweakijam said...

I am humbled reading your generous words. I am flattered that you think of me with such glowing grace. I am grateful that you love me like I love you, ignoring and excepting my faults.

You make it nice to be the older sister.

Forever your soulsister,


Queenie said...

This was my birthday present on
June 13th, 1947. I was in the
hospital with her and my Daddy
sent me 20 birthday cards with
a dollar bill in each one. You think that wasn't special in l947?
Like a goldmine.

Family said...

And she is HOT, too! Love, Terr.